Privacy Policy

privacy policy

Wealthwave Solutions LLC (“Pet Shop”) provides you with access to its Website (the “Website”), subject to the following Privacy Policy (“Privacy Policy”). We may update this Privacy Policy at any time and without notice. Unless stated otherwise, changes will be effective when they are posted on our website at www.Sa-grooshop.com and/or any affiliated domain names and websites. The Privacy Policy is in addition to those policies and procedures that are posted on our website under our Website Terms and Conditions of Access and Use (“Terms of Use”) and Website Disclaimer, which are incorporated herein by reference. By logging on to the Website, activating your password and creating user identification, you agree to be bound by this Privacy Policy as well as the terms or use, policies and procedures posted on our Website, under our Website Terms of Use and Website Disclaimer. If you do not wish to be bound by these Privacy Policy, Terms and Conditions, Disclaimer, policies and procedures, you should disconnect from this Website immediately.

Collection of Personal Information from Visitors to the Website

When you visit www.sa-grooshop.com, including the Website and/or any affiliated domain names and websites, Pet Shop may collect and/or track your:
Server domain name, IP address, email address, type of computer or mobile device, the operating system, the type of web browser, the search engine used, the searches performed, and the files downloaded.
The email addresses of visitors who communicate with Pet Shop via email.
Information knowingly provided by the visitor in online forms, surveys, email, contest entries, and other online submissions (including demographic and personal profile data).
Aggregate information on pages accessed by a visitor.
To better serve you, we may use “cookies” to customize your browsing experience. Cookies are text files stored by your browser, and they provide a method of distinguishing among visitors to our sites. We may use “cookies” to store a randomly- generated tag on your computer device, so that when you revisit the Website, we may recognize you by the “cookie” and customize your experience. The cookies created on your computer by using the Website do not contain personal information. You may refuse a cookie, or delete the cookie file from your computer at any time. However, you should be aware that if you disable the “cookies” feature of your browser, you may not be able to use the Website. When you perform a search on the Website, we may record information identifying you or linking you to the search performed. Pet Shop may also record limited information for the search requests and use that information to resolve technical problems or to calculate overall usage statistics.

Personal Information Collected Through the Website

When you access and/or use the Website, you may choose to give Pet Shop personal information about you online, which may include any individually identifiable information, such as first and last name, address, telephone number, email address, birth date, and other personal information. You will be asked to provide your email address to us during the registration process and/or to create a Seller’s Account. Pet Shop may use your personal information for contacting you, performing a statistical analysis of the Website usage, product development, content improvement, to protect our rights or property, or to customize the content and layout of the Website. Collective data that does not identify individual users may be used for statistical, advertising or internal purposes or provided to third party vendors for program access capabilities. Personal information that you voluntarily provide to Pet Shop, online or offline, may be added to our databases and used for future communications, including product notifications, Website updates, transactions receipts, notifications of upcoming events, or reminders, and for other purposes in accordance with applicable state and federal law.

Disclosure of Information Collected Through the Website

Pet Shop may share, sell, rent, license, or disclose your personal information collected through the Website to affiliated third parties. Except as set forth herein, Pet Shop will not release or disclose your personal information to any third party without your permission, unless required to do so by government or legal authorities or legal process in accordance with the applicable law, in order to protect our rights.

Third-Party Websites

You understand that you may access the websites of third parties through the Website. You understand and agree that the websites of third parties may have their own policies and procedures, including privacy policies, to which you will be subject. These websites are maintained by the third parties that Pet Shop does not control. Pet Shop cannot and will not be liable for any losses and/or damages arising from your use of third-party websites. You expressly understand and agree that Pet Shop will not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential or exemplary damages for any reason resulting from your use of the third-party websites.

Security of Personal Information

Pet Shop has implemented security features to prevent unauthorized release of or access to personal information. However, despite these and other security measures, no security process is 100% secure. We ask that our visitors take the appropriate measures to protect their information. You should not disclose your username or password to anyone. When you are finished accessing and/or using the Website, you should exit the application, especially if using a public or shared computer device. You should be aware that the confidentiality of any communication or material transmitted to or from Pet Shop via the Website, via email, or using other electronic methods cannot be guaranteed. Pet Shop is not responsible for the security of information transmitted via the Internet.

Access to Personal Information

You will be able to see and update personal information retained by Pet Shop in connection with the Website. You may seek to modify, correct, change, or update information that Pet Shop has collected, but you acknowledge that not all corrections, changes or updates may be available through an online interface for security and other reasons. You acknowledge that any information you modify, correct, change, or update may not be removed from, and may remain in, our databases.


Pet Shop reserves the right to contact the Website visitors regarding registration status, the Terms of Use, the Privacy Policy, or any other policies or agreements relevant to those who visit the Website.

Changes in Privacy Policy

Pet Shop reserves the right to change this Privacy Policy at any time. Consequently, you should refer back to this Privacy Policy regularly as it might be changed from time to time. When updates have been made, existing registered members will be asked to accept the revised terms and conditions in order to access their Member portal website account. If the member does not re-accept the revised terms and conditions, the member will not be allowed to access the website until they do re-accept.